歡迎來到 JDSB 聖經音頻項目,
本項目將為思高天主教聖經製作所有錄音。 我們需要您的幫助來驗證/收聽所有錄音以確保沒有錯誤。 如果您認為需要調整,請添加您的意見。 JDSB 是一個非營利組織,所有錄音將免費使用和傳播。 感謝您的支持。
請選擇 "校對/Proof Listening",
- 請打開音檔
- 仔細聽每一字是否和經文吻合 ?
- 發音是否正確?,確定沒有錯誤,沒有多唸或少唸的情況
- 有無雜音?

Welcome to JDSB bible audio project,
This project will produce all audio recordings for Chinese Catholic Bible.
We need your helps to proof listening to all recordings to make sure no errors.
Please add your comments if you think need to adjust.
JDSB is a non-profit organization, all recordings will be free to use and spread.
We appreciate your support.
How you can help ?
Please select "校對/Proof Listening", and select a chapter to review.
- Open the audio
- Listen and make sure it matches with the Bible text, word by word. No missing words or extra words
- No pronunciation error
- No background noises
Please go to the bottom of each chapter where you can leave your comments, inform us any errors, if no errors also leave a message like "ok" or "approved" so that we know we can move the post out of 校對/Proof Listening area.
--John Duns Scotus Bible Promotion Center.